
Thursday, December 3, 2009

DIY 100 mm Refractor Telescope

My 4" DIY Refractor had first light last year (Nov 2008).
Rendered crisp images of moon, jupiter & saturn with little
false colour,this achromat was bought from CN classifieds.
Cradle & lens adapter was machined. Optical tube assembly
weighs 8 kg's, it's quite heavy for 4" (100mm)
refractor telescope.

Right from procuring the aluminium tube to powdercoating, i took 2 months to complete the entire project (only sat & sun),in fact it's quite fast!!!! Most of the work done by me, like cutting the tube, filing, drilling, threading & painting work (inside of the tube). Aligning the optical path was most difficult part of all, but it was bulls eye...everything was perfect like a factory fit, worked cool. Did lot of running around to get the right kind of material for the project. Scope looks professional and performs like one....image quality is extremely good!!! i am quite satisfied with this project.

Stages of development

Moon picture through my refractor


  1. some very serious work. congratulations on a fine job. :-)

  2. Hi, I am Prabhakar from Trivandrum. Works for the Income-tax Department. I am an amateur astronomer and used to homebrew things. I am also a HAM, call sign VU2PBT The work you are doing is really remarkable. My heartiest congratulations. Please keep it up.

    I would like to send you few photographs of my homebrewed reflector and also an equatorial platform.

    With regards,
